“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” ~ Proverbs 17:22

We have a large and very active group of Super Seniors at WHUMC who enjoy enriching times together.
There are monthly luncheon meetings with exciting programs, special dinners, events, concerts, picnics, and other fun activities for fellowship and socialization. We help support Youth and Children’s Ministries with the Senior funds.
The Church maintains contact with and support for those in retirement communities as well as those who are confined at home.


Windsor Hills Tours is well recognized in our community and provides opportunity for almost 200 persons to take trips throughout the year to The Barter Theatre, The Wohlfahrt Dinner Theatre, The American Shakespeare Center, The Martha Washington Inn, The Boar’s Head Inn, and extended tours to places like, the Biltmore, Monticello, Washington D.C., New York City, Maine, Boston, the Golden Isles of Georgia, Philadelphia, Hawaii, Paris, and this year a cruise to the Greek Isles!

This ministry provides the opportunity for travel and companionship with eight or nine trips planned throughout the year.

For More info Check our Tours link in the menu bar.

Super Senior Luncheon


This year our luncheons will be on the fourth Wednesdays of the month unless our program dictates that we switch the date. We will give enough advance notice so everyone can mark their calendars. Be sure to invite a friend to join us for our opening event that they might come to enjoy our fellowship and fun times together.


Reservations needed by noon on Monday the week of the Luncheon.  

Bring a friend! See you there!


Make reservations by calling the church office at (540) 774-4730.

2019-2020 Luncheon Series

Windsor Hills United Methodist Church

Wednesdays at 12:05 PM


Visitors and guests are always welcome at Super Senior Luncheons.  

Help us prepare the right amount of food by giving an RSVP to the church office by Monday before, (540) 774-4730, or by e-mail at whumc3@whumc.roacoxmail.com

Cost of lunches is $5.00.

September 25th

The Classic Strings Duo

Kevin and Bryan Matheson, 

Accompanied by Judy Clark

October 23rd

Identity Theft

Speaker: Jeremy Stewart,

President of Lighthouse Financial

November 20th

Greece Travelogue by Heather Case

December 18th

Catered Lunch and Christmas Music

Featuring Karen Jones Harwood, Organist

January 22nd

Bingo and Fun Prizes

February 26th

Celtic Christianity

Anita Brown Boothe

March 25th (Postponed)

Opera Roanoke

Brook Tolley

April 22nd (Postponed)

Music by Woodsong

May 27th

Options for Seniors Who Wish to Downsize

The Rev. Dr. Benjamin Burks,

Executive Director of Brandon Oaks